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History of Boulder Rural Fire Rescue

May contain: person, human, vehicle, and transportation

A group of homeowners, farmers, and business owners banded together to protect property outside the city limits of Boulder when the Boulder County fire truck was not staffed. Boulder Rural and Suburban Volunteer Fire Department was founded in December 1957. Their first call was in February 1958. In their first eight months, they ran 47 calls, averaging 15 responders to every call.

The department’s original budget was $6,038, raised from donations, fundraisers, and memberships. The department spent $3,465 on its original fire station on the southeast corner of Iris and 28th streets. The personal protective equipment consisted of helmets and four raincoats.

During the 1960s and 1970s, the number of homes and people the department protected grew with the Gunbarrel and the Heatherwood subdivision construction. A new funding mechanism was needed to provide a more consistent service.

May contain: truck, vehicle, transportation, and fire truck

In the mid-80s, introducing the Special District Laws allowed the department to change to a fire protection district, raising money through taxes rather than depending upon donations. The neighboring agencies became districts first, taking large areas of Boulder Rural. Additionally, the city annexed county properties as it grew to the north. This left Boulder Rural with an irregularly shaped district, service islands in the city and Sunshine Canyon.

In 1988, the district moved into its second station, at Jay Road and 51st Street. This remodeled agricultural building served as the main station and headquarters until 2011 when it completed its new station at 63rd Street and Lookout Road.

From those humble beginnings, Boulder Rural Fire Rescue has evolved into a fire and emergency response agency that serves citizens over a 26 square mile district.  Boulder Rural Fire Rescue also operates under the umbrella of a 22 station multi-agency consortium agreement that includes closest unit dispatch protocols.  In 2024, BRFR responded to over 1,300 incidents including Emergency Medical Services, Advanced Life Support transport, fire suppression, hazardous materials, wildland fire, tech rescue, swiftwater rescues and other requests for service.