Boulder Rural uses a comprehensive budget preparation, review, and approval process:
- The budget cycle for Boulder Rural starts in May of each year.
- We plan our expenditures 10 years into the future, accounting for inflation, anticipated cost increases, capital purchases, and personnel expenses.
- Most of the district’s revenue comes from property taxes, approximately $4.5 Million.
- The balance of our funding comes from specific ownership taxes, grants, fees for inspections and permits, interest earned on savings, and wildland fire callouts.
If you would like to examine a copy of the budget or have questions, please contact Sarah Normandin at 303-530-9575 x 103 to set up an appointment.
If you would like to see our budgets submitted to the state, they are available here: https://dola.colorado.gov/dlg_lgis_ui_pu/publicLGFilings.jsf?id=07057
If you would like to see the audit reports filed with the state of Colorado, they are available by utilizing the state portal here: